torsdag 19 november 2015

"Encrustd" clothes collection - and Vidyaranya

"Encrustd" clothes collection and Vidyaranya 
- a possible way forward for a charity/ fashion event

Today I met with the owner of Encrustd, which is a new clothes fashion brand here in Bangalore. Encrustd has launched its debut collection offering fresh perspectives on dressing, and a new way to shop (personal shopping and home parties e.g.). I find most of the clothes to be sophisticated, yet with a sexy look. Sparkle and embellishment shift into day with sophistication, and simple separates are elevated with contemporary interpretations. The clothes also have a more western look. 

At our lunch meeting we discussed how Encrustd could reach out better to the expat crowd, and doing an event for a charity cause at the same time. This could be a good opportunity for a CSR-initiativ of the company, and at the same time the NGO Vidyararnya and the victims of trafficking could gain from greater visibility and of course from some funds raised. More information will come soon, but please do visit their website:

Below are a few of my favorites. And, thank you kindly dear friend Kaveri, for setting up this meeting! 

tisdag 17 november 2015

Children's Day @ Cubbon Park

Celebration of Children's Day/ "Makkala Habba"

One out of many items from the flower exhibition

On the occasion of Children's Day, United Way Bengaluru in association with the Women and Child Development Department, Government of Karnataka, and Vidyaranya, organized a two day festival. This festival took place at Cubbon Park, on the 14th and 15th of November. Parents and children had the opportunity to experience traditional life, games and food. It was a perfect opportunity for parents to share their fond childhood memories with their children while playing traditional games, such as for example cycle tyre race and skating on coconut palms.

Minister Smt Umashree
Guest could also participate in pottery making, basket weaving, butter churning, story telling, painting, to mention a few. There was also a beautiful flower exhibition at the festival. Guests to the festival was foremost the local crowd, but also quite a lot of expats attended. The Minister for Women and Child Development, Government of Karnataka, also attended the event, which was very exiting for us.

Children's play corner
At the event I spoke with the owner of the trendy Scent (hair and beauty salon). After speaking for a while, we agreed that we could try and do something on behalf of Vidyaranya. So, one meeting pending .. As a matter of fact, at the moment, there is a lot of things going on now for helping the victims, charity dinners, clothes exhibition/ fashion show for a good cause, the H&M project, and the Christmas fundraiser project. Good there is more people willing to help! 

onsdag 11 november 2015

Diwali celebration ...

Site visit to cheer the girls up with Diwali sweets

Yesterday me, new volunteer Steph and another woman named Thea (who is traveling India at the moment) went to the shelter to cheer the girls up with some Diwali sweets. We and a few friends bought some sweets, and friends also donated some clothes. During our last visit the girls was in a quite bad place, due to a recent death in the shelter. Of course some sweets can make up for their loss and make them feel better, but we tried, and are trying our best.

Me and the girls. Time to eat some sweets!

The girls invited us for tea and sweets, also driver Anil, and happily showed us around. I think the girls really appreciate when we come and do something to try to help them, and they are really taking pride in everything they accomplish in terms of handicraft. The girls have been making handicrafts that they will sell at one of the NGOs upcoming events, Children's Festival in Cubbon Park this weekend. 

New volunteer Steph, Thea, Shilpa and her daughter

Shilpa, now a social worker but a former victim, told us that she has started up a bank account and is now saving money for her daughter every month. I think this is really good! She is really taking care and responsibility for her daughter. As mentioned before, Shilpa's daughter survived in her mother's womb during her captivity and sexual slavery. Her daughter has her birthday next month, which we definitely will take part in celebrating.

Yesterday I got some other great news. Swedish Chamber of Commerce said that they will organize the Christmas dinner with the Swedish companies on the 5th of December so that we also can fundraise on behalf of the Ujjawala shelter. Unfortunately this means that my next "run for a cause" needs to be postponed, but that's ok since the Christmas dinner will be a great opportunity for the NGO. 

Of course Tono watch over us ;)

söndag 1 november 2015

Visit with possible new volunteering, and sad news ...

Visit to shelter with friend, and delivery of sad news

A few days ago I went to the shelter (one of my regular visits) with a friend, and possible new volunteer. As it has turned out, I might be gone a lot next year, hence we need some more help for the girls in the shelter. This day, Stefanie and me delivered rise and sugar (from my very sweet landlord), hair oil, baby cream, biscuits, baby and adult clothes and some other stuff. 

This day we got to hear some very sad news. One of the long-term stay girls had died, due to unknown reasons. She had probably been sick for a long time, but we will probably never get to know what it was that caused her death. The others in the shelter was very sad, of course. Me and Stefanie decided that we are gonna try to cheer them up a bit soon, with making a Diwali celebration.  If anyone want of you want to chip in, please let us know.

Stefanie Rylander