One day outing to Bhennerghatta Park and Zoo to celebrate Women's Day
Bhennerghatta Zoo |

Thanks to sponsoring companies such as Indpro, Scania and the Heat, we managed to take the girls and women out for a one day trip to Bhennerghatta national park and zoo, in order to celebrate Women's Day which occurred on the 8th of March. Certainly does these former victims of sex trafficking truly deserve a treat like this! They girls and women were very happy, and all to brave ... Even though one girl was sick she insisted on joining. Since all the other girls were putting on their finest dresses, so to did she, and came along. She was actually really ill, but well taken care of afterwards. Together we enjoyed our food from the Heat on the bus, we visited the park, enjoyed dinner at a restaurant, and we took a tour inside the wildlife safari. The girls and women were so happy all day long, and a lot of them danced inside the bus on the way home back to the shelter. The youngest girl (at the moment in the shelter, 14 years old) also danced, and gave me flowers. Such a sweetheart! They all are! On the way home I got to learn about some women's sicknesses. It seems as though one have to be really keen on proper check-ups so that doctors don't give wrong diagnoses. Again, who cares about theses women, if not the staff at NGOs, such as Vidyaranya?! Thank you all dear colleagues Raji and Shilpa, as well as our guest Miriam. Due to safety and integrity reasons I can't post all photos online.
Raje, me and Shilpa |
Thank you kindly all sponsors for making this trip come real, without you it would have been hard to achieve! Thanks to you we managed to bring 30 girls and women out for this adventure, that has formally suffered from being victims of human trafficking.
For more info about IT-company Indpro, please visit:
For more info about automotive company Scania, please visit: