söndag 28 februari 2016

Pampering day at Scent to light up a life

 Scent makes a difference in fighting injustices

On the 24th of February people were invited to Scent on a pampering day. Invited guests could get pampered with the exquisite Moroccan oil hair spa, get foot massage and nail coloring, all along with wine and chocolate. This endeavor was done, not only for us women to get a bit spoiled, but also in order to support victims of sex trafficking at Vidyaranya's Ujjawala shelter, as half of the revenue went to the shelter. The Manager and Director of the trendy hair and spa salon Scent, Mrs. Krishma Lobo and Mr. Vijay Lobo, are both active in the fight against social injustices. Not only do they have amazing services at their salons, but they are both ever so kind and caring people, and I am so grateful to have met them.

Keep your ears and eyes for next event! Normally a Moroccan oil hair spa goes for 4 500 INR, but at the event guest got all for 1000 which is really a good deal!

Thank you kindly Krishma and Vijay! You can check Scent out here: https://www.facebook.com/ScentSalonSpaBangalore

torsdag 11 februari 2016

Donations from a Scania employee and a Swedish volunteer

A Scania employee and Swedish volunteer visits the shelter in order to contribute with funds as well as building material

On the 30th of January a Scania employee visited the shelter in order to hand over a donation of 10 000 INR. This was donated as a gift in honor to someone special, namely his child as it was the child's birthday. Truly, a gift of giving! What a generous and selfless family!

I have been trying to make Scania and their CSR staff to pay a visit to the shelter for some time now, and hopefully this can be the starting point for some long-term cooperation. Scania has and are executing very good CSR-initiatives, but in Bangalore I hope we can work together for better social sustainability initiatives. There is a link between sex trafficking and the trucking industry, and the corporates can here play an active role in contributing towards eradicating sexual exploitation, and the dark sides of globalization.

On the 3rd of February, Dan Svensson (from our apartment complex) visited the shelter for the second time. He brought with him building material in order to fix the broken bathroom door. The girls have not been able to get some privacy in there for a very long time, so this initiative was very much needed (and in India you have neighbors almost everywhere). 

Social worker Shilpa with handyman Dan

Mr. Praveen (at Scania) and Dan Svensson, thank you kindly for your time and donations!

Scania is one of Sweden's largest companies by turnover,
and is a leading manufacturer in the automotive industry